The whole world is living under the fear of COVID-19 and it will continue to threaten mankind till some permanent medication isn’t developed. But what can we do till then? We can’t just stop living. We all must have to follow the basic sanitation guidelines and take extra care of ourselves and keep ourselves and everyone around us safe.
But there are surely some extra efforts we can put in while fighting this pandemic. As we all have understood until now that the stronger your immunity system is, the better our chances are to fight the CORONA Virus. And when it comes to improving the immunity of the body, what could be better than Yoga? Yes! Yoga is the best form of exercise when you wish to build the immunity system strong enough to battle as fatal as COVID.
Here are some Yoga Asanas for you that will help you make your immunity system stronger. We are explaining the steps to follow for doing each asana. So, set up your Yoga mat and get started with the process to boost your immunity.
Hasta Utthanasana
Instructions to follow:
- Be ready in a standing position. Join your legs and feet together.
- Fold your hands in the Namaskara position.
- Then lift your hands up and arch your back up and lookup.
- Breathe 5 times and then lower your hands and rest.
Instructions to follow:
- First of all, stand with your feet hip-width apart on your mat.
- Then bend your body forward from your hips, and extend your hands in such a way that you touch the floor.
- Don’t lean on one foot. Balance your bodyweight equally on both your feet.
- Try to extend your sitting bones in an upward direction and your crown in downward.
Salamba Bhujangasana
Instructions to follow:
- Start this pose with lying flat on the stomach and then lift your shoulders.
- The next step is to extend the hands forward while bending at the elbows. Make sure you relax the glutes while lifting the neck.
- Let your body calm down and maintain proper breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth.
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Instructions to follow:
- Begin with coming onto your hands and knees, while keeping your hands shoulder-width apart and your knees hip-width apart.
- Slowly lift your hips up and simultaneously press down your heels.
- Position your head between your upper arms without causing any unnatural stress.
- Exhale and hollow out your belly. Then hold this position for a moment and inhale.
Instructions to follow:
- Start this pose by standing in Tadasana by keeping your hands both the side of your thighs.
- Now extend your right leg while balancing your body on the left leg and slowly twist the right leg around the left leg.
- After getting stable on your leg, fold your arms at the elbows in a way that your left arm is twisted around the right arm. Stretch your limits and try to place the palms together. Repeat the posture for the left side.
Instructions to follow:
- This is by far the easiest and most loved Yoga pose as it provides the ultimate relaxation after the body is done with all the poses and posture giving movement and stretching to the body.
- First of all, lay down on your yoga mat and close your eyes.
- Rest your hands and feet in the most comfortable position. Loosen up your body and let your mind calm down.
- Throughout the pose, keep breathing gently.