Pre-Natal & Post-Natal Yoga

Nowadays, a lot of risks are involved with Pregnancy. In most of the cases, generally, C Section did. Lots of evidence-based research are supporting that Yoga can help in smooth and normal Pregnancy and delivery. Nowadays Gynecologists are also encouraging Pregnant women to do Yoga.


We, at Asha Yoga Center, started Pre-Natal and Post-Natal yoga for women to overcome inconvenience during pregnancy and post-childbirth. There are various complications involved during pregnancy and vary from individual to individual. Yoga Can be very beneficial during pregnancy if practiced under the guidance of precautions.

Asha Yoga provides Prenatal Yoga therapy in Bangalore which is a special part of yogic asanas designed and dedicated to the well-being of pregnant women. With a bigger belly and a new life in place, regular yoga or your workout regime might get strenuous around your joints and pelvic areas.   A prenatal yoga class will include Breathing techniques, Gentle stretches, Postures, and a Relaxation process. Practicing them regularly enhances your overall labor and delivery experience. 

Yoga helps in many ways during pregnancy :

  • Adjust to the physical demands of pregnancy
  • Physical & Emotional stress management
  • Helps in breathe well & relax sufficiently
  • Calms down mind & body
  • Increases strength and endurance required for child-birth
  • Decreases back pain, headaches & shortness of breath
  • Helps in getting a sound sleep
  • Meet other moms-to-be and share experiences

Utmost care is taken throughout the session by our trainers to enhance the safety and comfort of pregnant women. The instructors are well aware of the trimesters of the women attending pre-natal sessions and instruct them accordingly.

  • After the first trimester, avoid asanas on your back, as they reduce blood flow to the uterus.
  • Avoid stretching exercises or asanas, so that there is no pressure on the abdomen.
  • Avoid balancing Asanas

Even the minute instructions will be provided so that there are no complications during pregnancy or after delivery. Please visit our center or call us to know more about the prenatal yoga sessions.


Yoga sessions after childbirth delivery are known as Post Natal Yoga. Post Natal Yoga is also important for a new mom, in order to balance her body and mind. As we are aware that post pregnancy, there are mood swings, depression & other changes in our body and mind. You may start practicing yoga after 6 weeks of normal delivery and 8 weeks of Cesarean delivery. Please consult your Gynecologist and practice under a professional trainer’s guidance.

Asha Yoga also provides Postnatal yoga therapy in Bangalore. After having a baby, your body needs time to heal and rest and so does your mind postnatal yoga, can help with both. This form of yoga focuses on recovery and restoration and can alleviate stress and depression after giving birth. You can start practicing yoga a few days to a few weeks after childbirth.

Benefits of Post Natal Yoga :

  • Heals the body & mind post delivery
  • Balances the hormones
  • Repair all the tissues and bring them back to normal
  • Eases pressure on the nervous system
  • Helps in reducing anxiety & depression
  • Promotes Relaxation
  • Helps in increasing strength and stamina
  • Tones abdominal muscles to function normally
  • Relieves and avoids postnatal depression

Attending this post-natal session, after delivering the baby helps you improve in all aspects and get back to your normal life without much pressure, either physically or mentally.

Please feel free to contact us for further inquiries and registrations.

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