Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder associated with the endocrine system of the female reproductive system. It is the modern-day woman’s nightmare as almost 1 in every 10 women deals with this hormonal condition. Women suffering from PCOS have cysts in their ovaries, which may even lead to infertility issues. Besides, weight gain, hair loss, irregular menstrual cycle are a few other common symptoms of this disease.
All those women who suffer from the problem of PCOS know how difficult it is to manage the symptoms. Regular checkup, strict diet and irregular monthly period can at times become too overwhelming. Medicines do help to keep the symptoms in control, but making some healthy lifestyle swaps are also beneficial in such conditions.
Yoga, which has been practised in India for years and is known to be helpful in several kinds of health issues, including PCOS. If you too are suffering from the problem of PCOS then perform below yoga poses every day to witness positive results.
Baddhakonasan or Butterfly Pose
This pose works on the muscles of the groin area, the inner thighs, and organs in the abdominal cavity. In women, it is known to regulate the function of the ovaries and to soothe the menstrual cycle.
Supta Baddha Konasana or Reclining Butterfly Pose
This is a modification of the Baddhakonasan and is shown to have similar benefits.
Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose
Bhujangasan works on the swadisthan chakra, said to be located in the sacrum. Bhujangasan does wonders on activating the kundalini (primal energy that is the main driving force of all life; in literal terms, sexual energy), thereby aiding in controlling symptoms of PCOS.
Naukasana or Boat Pose
Naukasan works on the abdominal muscles and organs located in the abdominal cavity. It is also known to regulate thyroid function – one of the effects of having PCOS.
Dhanurasana or Bow Pose
One of the best poses to help constipation, dhanurasana is also beneficial in relieving menstrual discomfort – cramps, stiffness, etc. It also stimulates the reproductive organs, thereby helping them function better.
Balasana or Child Pose
Balasan has no direct impact on any particular ‘organ’ in the body. However, it is a great asana to strengthen the hips. In spite of that, this asana makes it to our list of yoga asanas for PCOS because it is a good ‘counter asana’ – which helps the body return to its normal state after being stretched and extended in the other different asanas.
Marjariasana or Cat Pose
The cat pose is known and practised by many to get rid of back pain. It is a great pose to strengthen your spine. In women, the pose has additional benefits: it helps strengthen the core muscles, giving strength to endure childbirth and tackle menstrual cramps.
Ustrasana or Camel Pose
The camel pose is the opposite of the cat pose. It acts to balance the cat pose, and should always be practised together with it.
Prasarita Padottanasana, or Wide-legged Forward Bend
This asana too works on your hips; it helps to open them up to wider so that childbirth will be easier. Prasarita Padottanasana also helps to tone the abdominal muscles and visceral organs.
Padmasana or Lotus Pose
This is a great asana for both men and women, as it works on reproductive organs of both the sexes. In men, padmasana is known to ease sciatica too. In women, sitting in padmasana during the menstrual cycle can bring cramps well under control. The pelvic girdle is worked on by this asana.
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana or Bridge Pose
The bridge pose does wonder to regulate thyroid function, an important aspect of PCOS. It is also known to stimulate organs in the abdominal cavity. The most significant benefit of this asana is that it helps cure symptoms of menopause, a very significant feature with respect to treating PCOS.
Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend
Paschimottanasana helps tackle one of the biggest side-effects of PCOS – obesity and weight gain. Most women who have PCOS find it difficult to lose weight – Paschimottanasana is the answer to this.
Shalabhasana or Locust Pose
This is another yogasana that is known to benefit women suffering from the ovary as well as uterine disorders. As we know PCOS affects the ovaries, and so this is a good pose for PCOS. Diabetes is a complication of PCOS, and the locust pose (or superman pose) is also known to help control diabetes (if practised every day).
Malasan or Garland Pose (also known as Yoga Squat)
The benefits of Malasana and squats are similar – they help open up the hip and pelvic girdle, and are hence great for women suffering irregularity in menses, as well as those wanting to bear children